We apply modern solutions for to mobilise and move machinery.
An very safe and modern way to mobilize any load are air skates. Those are powered by compressed air that creates air cushion under load platform. The friction is reduced to minimum therefore the movement can be done and controlled with minimal forces.
Standard transport set consists of:
- Load units (air cushions) – usually 3 – 6 pcs.
- Control unit for setting compressed air flow,
- Connection hoses for linking cushions with control unit,
- Connection hoses for compressed air supply
What shall be air skates used for?
Advantages of moving high loads with air skates
- Low profile – little height of load plate makes it possible to place skate directly under machine frame without initial lifting.
- Safe lifting – using compressed air, lifting can be precisely controlled and runs evenly,
- Low friction – assuming good floor condition – movement of the machine goes with little resistance. This enables fast and easy positioning of transported loads. Perfect solution for precise connection of big, heavy machinery units.
- No damages to the floor – machine weight is evenly distributed over summarized surface of air cushions that is much greater than in case of typical roll bearing platforms.
- Ergonomic – utilisation of air skates reduces human effort and minimizes risks which occur during lifting operations. Drag and push forces are highly reduced.
- Easy, multidirectional movement.
- Utilisation of compressed air which is common in most of industrial plants
Limitations of air skates.
The main factor that excludes application of air skates is bad floor condition, big cracks, wide and uneven dilatations. Critical is as well floor levelling.
Height differenced shall not be grater then 2-3mm per 1m.
In such case floor has to be prepared - lower areas filled with extra material and covered evenly to improve levelling.
At our disposal we have set of air skates from US supplier AeroGo with load capacity of 29000 kg.
Set consists of four load units and single control unit. To optimize utilization of the whole system we have in use extra pneumatic lifters and mobile compressor KAESER M46E – capacity 4,5m3/min.
Are You thinking about moving Your gears?